Finished at last!

Finished at last!
The whole team plus Paul who had just walked it in 66 days!

White Horse Riders

White Horse Riders
John O'Groats here we come!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

The (training) journey begins...

Well it has long been said that the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step...or is that 10,000 miles? Whatever, it is appropriate for the 1000 or so miles I am intending to cycle in 8 months. And I took my first step on that journey yesterday with an hours cycle in the freezing cold! I am trying not to focus on my lack of fitness, my heart rate that didn't dip below 150 for the entire hour, my snail like speed up and down the undulating terrain around here. I covered 10km, most of the way accompanied by Finn. I overtook himself and John on their morning walk along the Downs Link (a wonderful disused railway track that connects the North and South Downs here is beautiful Sussex). Finn recognised that I needed the encouragement I think and insisted on trotting along beside me until I turned round and we made our way back to the car again. Woman's best friend indeed.
So that's the beginning begun! I have no aching muscles or anything else that might indicate that I shouldn't do the whole thing again tommoro. Have been reading a book on endurance cycling and was gratified to note that when the author first started training the maximum ride he could cope with was 15 miles. And he has won the Race Across America several times since then. So, it is just a matter of time spent on the bike. And who knows where that might lead???? Not on the RAA, I am pretty sure! At the moment, for me, certainly as far as my training goes, all roads lead to John O'Groats...

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