Finished at last!

Finished at last!
The whole team plus Paul who had just walked it in 66 days!

White Horse Riders

White Horse Riders
John O'Groats here we come!

Monday, 22 February 2010

Making cadence while the sun shines...or not!

So Sunday dawned lashing down with rain...tho 'dawn' is probably an overstatement. I believe the sun spent all day in bed! I had a whole 30 seconds debate with myself about whether I would go out on my road bike in the weather. I took my own advice and decided not. But an hour later there was a break in the greyness so I decided to risk it. Wow, I am getting better at getting the better of my mental processes! Went out on the mountain bike to the Downs Link as couldn't face the thought of trying to control the road bike, navigate the floods, avoid pothole craters and worry about sunday drivers.
Mountain bike now seems so slow and laborious after the nifty road bike but it did the job. One hour and twenty four minutes to cover 16 very muddy kms. Still I came back satisfyingly filthy like I'd actually been mountain biking. Got very rained on whilst out but, hey, gotta get used to that if I am going to cycle the length of these Isles in a typical Summer, eh?
Have ordered a new saddle from US. After much research of seat design it would seem the normal road bike saddle is ludicrously ill designed for most normal women! I can only agree. Had an hilarious conversation with a neighbour (who shall remain nameless! You know who you are..) concerning this topic. The term she supplied for the result of overuse of said uncomfortable saddles is simply unprintable. But very, very funny!
Hopefully by this time next week I shall be firmly astride a Spiderflex. Cool name. Could have gone for the Spongy Wonder or the Moon Seat. If it lives up to its reputation then training and eventual LEJOG should be far more pleasant than the prospect of it does now.


  1. Paul Higgins-Drysdale23 February 2010 at 15:20

    Well done Jackie, you rock!!!

  2. With the imminent arrival of the new saddle and some changes to the road bike the more serious training will begin from the beginning of March. Keep pedalling! Only 27 weeks to go.........
