Finished at last!

Finished at last!
The whole team plus Paul who had just walked it in 66 days!

White Horse Riders

White Horse Riders
John O'Groats here we come!

Thursday 1 April 2010

Home safe and sound

Got back from Spain/France this afternoon and finally got to post the entries below. Had a bit of a downturn in training after last entry. Was distracted in Nerja talking cycling tactics with Alex-across-the-road. Well, that's my story. To be brutally frank, think I was distracted by the vino blanco and good company (thanks Deirdre!). Then distracted back in Obeilar by the arrival of Trusty Ironman (having located his whereabouts!) and companion. I will post a photo of TIM (Trusty IronMan) discussing cycling tactics by the pool and up the hill. Then SERIOUSLY distracted by the arrival of a cough/cold virus which took me by storm for 5 days. Still, I managed to endure the passenger seat all the way home (luckily my coughing kept John awake whilst driving all the way back!). And managed to avoid the really steep hill Coach had planned for me on the last day!
Just been next door to the Vortex to catch up on Beth's training. She is doing a sterling job despite getting wet and lost in Surrey! Hoping to go out this weekend......


  1. Testing testing, because a few people have said they are having trouble posting comments....

  2. Well there you are....just write a comment (please) and then go to 'Comment as' and select 'anonymous' and hit 'post comment'. It works for me but posting comments on my own blog is a bit sad!

  3. well done jackie very proud of your training, will give tanya your blog address sure she will love to follow your progress
